About BioTE® Nutraceutical Supplements
The latest advances in medical care have provided a range of treatments that can extend your health well into maturity. When changes in hormone levels lead to a variety of concerns, including mental haziness, sleep disorders, mood swings, and weight gain, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) from BioTE® Medical can help to stabilize the chemicals in your body and to reduce these effects. This all-natural Hormone Pellet Therapy utilizes a small, sub-dermal implant to optimize equilibrium 24 hours a day; however, this method is just one part of a comprehensive program to maximize your health. At Vein & Cosmetic Center of Tampa Bay, our board certified family physician and experienced medical team offer an extensive range of BioTE® Nutraceutical Supplements to complement your healthcare regimen.
For more information about Nutraceutical Supplements and BHRT, or if you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with our medical director, please contact us today.
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About BioTE® Nutraceutical Supplements
Nutraceutical Supplements have been independently tested for their purity and certified by an international organization. The ingredients include the highest-quality and most effective combination of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and probiotics available, and they are balanced to optimize your benefits. During your initial consultation, we will recommend products to include in your regimen based on your unique wellness goals. As your needs change, we may modify the selection to provide the best care possible. At Vein & Cosmetic Center of Tampa Bay, we offer the following Nutraceutical Supplements:
Made from concentrated cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and other leafy greens, BioTE® DIM® is designed to balance and enhance your hormone function. By converting inactive estrogen into active estrogen (for women), this supplement can achieve abundant benefits for breast, uterine, and cervical health. Men receive support for testosterone, which DIM® can free from binding agents found in the blood. Additionally, this nutraceutical can provide a metabolism boost and increase overall well-being to help you feel great year-round.
BioTE® A•D•K 10
This supplement is a combination of three essential vitamins that work together to optimize the health of your bones, joints, and cardiovascular system. Vitamin A supports normal growth and development and helps to maintain the strength and quality of your bones. Vitamin D3, often called the sunshine vitamin, may help to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Vitamin D also can assist the metabolism and stabilize calcium levels for a stronger skeletal structure. Vitamin K is sometimes referred to as the clotting vitamin and is essential to your blood and bone health. Together, these nutrients can deliver maximum absorption and benefits.
BioTE® a-Drenal
As suggested by the name, a-Drenal supports your adrenal glands, which produce hormones responsible for regulating your metabolism, stress, and blood pressure. As part of your endocrine system, these glands produce the “adrenaline rush” sensation you feel during intensely emotional moments. This supplement is also designed to work in concert with i-Throid to optimize your health and well-being; however, you can also take a-Drenal alone, depending on your unique physiological needs and wellness goals. Other benefits of this nutriment may include normalizing blood sugar levels, balancing mental and physical energy, and optimizing thyroid function.
EPA 825 Fish Oil
Diets that include oily fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, anchovies, and sardines, have been shown to provide a wide range of health and cosmetic benefits. Fish oil supplements can introduce Omega-3s into your diet if eating fish two to four times a week is difficult or doesn’t appeal to you. Resulting in a concentrated, high-quality formula, our fish oil goes through a rigorous refining technique to remove contaminants and result in the most effective nutraceutical possible. As a result, you may see a reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease and experience improvements in memory, hair and skin quality, and overall well-being. Once daily EPA 825 fish oil utilizes only wild caught, sustainable species to help protect the Earth’s natural resources.
Belly Buddies Probiotic
The latest medical research is beginning to show just how important good bacteria and a strong digestive system is for immunity and overall health. The Belly Buddies supplement delivers a proprietary blend of three probiotic strains into your intestines where the beneficial microbes can flourish. As a result, gas, bloating, and belching will decrease, and you should experience improved immune response over time. While other probiotic pills dissolve in the stomach without distributing the good bacteria into the small intestine where needed, the unique Belly Buddies capsule is formulated to withstand stomach acid and open up where the nutraceutical can provide the greatest benefit.
BioTE® i-Throid
Comprised of iodine USP and iodide USP, the i-Throid nutraceutical combines two essential trace elements that contribute to the function of your thyroid, immune system, skin, breast, and prostate health. Some studies suggest a deficiency in this compound may contribute to a higher risk of developing cancer in these areas. Our advanced formulation can offer enhanced solubility for improved absorption. Furthermore, we utilize a solid powder makeup, which has been shown to be more consistent, effective, and stable than liquid solutions. Although iodine and iodide can be derived from food sources, including iodized salt, seafood, and seaweed, supplements may be necessary to support the health and function of the metabolism, reproductive system, and digestive system if your dietary intake of the nutrient is insufficient.
Would you like to know more? Contact our office today to learn more about BHRT and Nutraceutical Supplements, or if you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced medical professionals.